Our Members

Ian Butler

Ian Butler

Ian is a retired Sergeant having served with North Yorkshire Police for 30 years. He has lived in Tadcaster since joining the Police in 1985 and is married with 5 grown up children. During his career he worked in Tadcaster and Selby and participated in many community-based projects focused on young people in the community.

Ian was a Governor at Riverside School in Tadcaster for 25 years, 21 of which was as Chair of Governors, until he stepped down from this role in July 2020. He completed the inaugural yearlong “Chair of Governors’ Leadership Development Programme” delivered by Carnegie Leaders in Learning in 2015. He was also the Safeguarding Governor and had particular responsibility for Headteacher performance, literacy, pay and appraisal. Ian believed passionately in the school’s residential trips for year 4 and 6 pupils to Malham and Wales and attended these residentials for over 20 years. He is a veteran of 5 OFSTED inspections the most recent of which found the school to be “Good.”

In his spare time Ian is Chair of the United Kingdom Police Fishing Section and apart from fishing Ian enjoys reading, walking and watching Leeds Rhinos and Leeds United.

Dr Alison Lee

Dr Alison Lee

Alison has over 15 years experience as a charity sector professional, most recently as Fundraising Lead overseeing income generation for the national charity Shannon Trust. Alison also has a PhD and worked as a research fellow in the School of Biology, University of Leeds for 9 years.

Alison’s three children all attended STAR MAT schools. Prior to joining STAR MAT as a Member, she was a governor of Riverside School, Tadcaster between 2008-2018. She served as Vice-Chair and Chair of the School Improvement Committee for the majority of this time, additionally having responsibility for literacy, Head Teacher appraisal and staff performance and pay. Alison also completed the Chair of Governors Leadership and Development programme. She was involved the formation of the STAR MAT from the very beginning and is passionate about ensuring that every child has the very best opportunity to learn and flourish.

Alison has also used her skills and experience in the wider community. She was a member of St Mary’s, Church Fenton All-Age Worship team for 15 years. She was also a key member of her village Sports field development committee, leading on fundraising for a multi-use games area and helping to increase sports opportunities for local people.

In her free time Alison enjoys walking, gardening and singing - sometimes all at once.

Mari Palmer
Dawn Younge

Dawn Younge

Dawn Younge had a career in teaching for over 25 years with particular expertise in early years education. Before moving to Yorkshire she was Deputy Head teacher of an infant school in Warrington. She has worked locally in a number of schools with various needs and challenges. A common thread throughout her teaching career and governance work has been her involvement and commitment to faith schools.

She was appointed as a Foundation Governor at Saxton CE Primary School in 2011 and served as Chair of Governors from 2016 until her resignation from the LGB in July 2019. During this period she was instrumental in the school’s improvement and transition to an academy within the STAR MAT.

Tim Scott

Tim Scott

Tim is a member of Diocesan Board of Education and General Synod. He is a Foundation Governor for the Archbishop Sentamu Academy in Hull.

Tim is a former university academic in mathematics, graduating from the University of London followed by appointments with the UK Atomic Energy Authority and at the Universities of Southern California, Durham and Hull.


Further details regarding our current Members and any Members who have stepped down over the past 12 months, including their date of appointment and relevant business interests, are listed in the Register of Interests.