Governance at STAR
Effective governance is at the heart of any successful multi academy trust and within STAR, there are three core levels of governance:
- Our Members are the guardians and custodians of our Trust. They oversee the achievements of our objectives and ensure our values are upheld through holding our Board of Trustees to account. They have ultimate control over our Trust, with the ability to appoint some of our Trustees and the power to amend our Articles of Association.
- Our Board of Trustees has collective accountability and strategic responsibility for our Trust. It has a focus on ensuring we deliver an excellent education to pupils while maintaining effective financial management, and ensure compliance with our charitable objects as stated in our Articles of Association (on our Statutory & Company Documentation page); regulatory, contractual, and statutory requirements; and our funding agreement. The Board also has strategic and statutory responsibility for safeguarding and special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) arrangements across the Trust, ensuring the promotion of pupil welfare and for keeping our estates safe and well-maintained.
- Our Local Governing Bodies (LGBs) are accountable to the community in which they serve and are focused on the interests of individual schools. They include representation from the local community, such as parents and staff representatives, and the York Diocese (for our Church schools).
Our Board has numerous subcommittees to support their work. These include Finance, Audit and Risk Committee, Curriculum and Standards Committee, and Pay and Appraisal Committee. A Board Chair’s Steering Group also meets regularly.
Our local governors are supported through regular forums, including forums for our LGB Chairs, and for governors with oversight for Safeguarding, SEND and Health and Safety.
Our Trust executive team is led by the Chief Executive Officer. Our Trustees and CEO have appointed individuals to provide support for running the day-to-day activities, including finance, school improvement, business management, and estates management.
Our Trust has an internal Head of Governance to ensure:
- Our Members and Board of Trustees receive assurances from our executive team;
- Compliance with regulatory, contractual, and statutory requirements;
- Our LGBs effectively support and challenge their schools and support the flow of information across the layers of governance.
Further information about our governance can be found within our Scheme of Delegation (found on our Statutory & Company Documentation page).

Governance Structure
Register of Interests
Details about our current and historic Members, Trustees and local governors can be found on our Register of Interests.
Further information can be found on our Members and Trustees pages, and on the governance webpages of our academies.