MAT Merger

The proposed merger between The STAR MAT and South York MAT

Since our formation in 2018, The STAR Multi-Academy Trust has worked collaboratively for the best interests of our pupils and wider community. We are so proud of the work we have done and our achievements to date. The strength all our schools gain from working together, sharing best practice and benefiting from our central offer and educational provision is very real. In a turbulent educational world, the level of support that we are able to give to each other has proven invaluable.

Our values and the inclusive nature of our trust are fundamental to what we do. Serving our communities is of the highest importance to us all.

We know that to continue to develop the work that we feel so passionately about, we should look to appropriate growth and connections. Our work is based on collaboration, and we have always looked to work with likeminded schools and trusts.

Over recent months our Trust Board has been in discussion with South York MAT (SYMAT), who share the same ambitions for their young people. Both Trusts have a clear commitment to providing an exceptional education in the heart of our local communities. We both value the unique qualities and strengths of all our schools. Collectively our Trust Boards believe the best way forward to further enhance our work is to bring our Multi-Academy Trusts together in a formal merger. All our schools would work closely together within a combined new Multi Academy Trust.

Below is a copy of our community engagement letter and some FAQ with regard our proposed merger.

We had a community engagement meeting on Wednesday 27 November 2024, 6:00pm in the Main Hall at Tadcaster Grammar School followed by an opportunity for an informal drop-in.

All staff were invited to separate meetings.

The community and stakeholder engagement period ran from 18th November 2024 to 18th December 2024. The engagement period is now closed and responses are being collated into an Engagement Report which will be available and posted on this page during January 2025.


Supporting Documentation

Press Release 18.11.24

STAR Parents and Carers Letter 18.11.24


STAR Merger Presentation - STAFF

STAR Merger Presentation - STAKEHOLDERS